Hello, my name is Stephen (not Dexter), and whatever this site is for, it’s the second version of it. Hope you enjoy my new direction.
But what do you actually do?
I write native software for iOS, Mac, Android, and also the web. I release it under the name Dexterous Logic. This site collects some of that work, and also serves as a playground for web-based experiments, and eventually non-tech stuff.
In case anyone is interested, this site is statically generated with Eleventy v3.0.0, based on the wonderful Eleventy Excellent starter by Lene Saile. That in turn was built around Andy Bell’s presentation Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager, which remains highly influential. See also:
- The Cube CSS Methodology.
- Utopia Fluid Responsive Design.
- Every Layout, by Heydon Pickering and Andy Bell.