Privacy Policy
This is the privacy policy document for AeroPlay (formerly known as AeroPlayne), an Android app for receiving AirPlay® audio.
App Permissions
The app needs no extra permissions.
External Services
The app requires services provided by third parties to operate correctly. They are as follows:
Crash Reporting: The app uses Firebase Crashlytics to provide information on the cause of crashes. No personal information is included with this data. Crash reporting is not required to use the app, but it is enabled by default. This can be changed on the Settings page.
Analytics: The app uses Google Analytics for Firebase to allow the developer to understand how the app is used. No personally identifiable information (PII) is transmitted or collected. Google Analytics for Firebase collects certain information in its default implementation. See this support page for more information. Analytics are not required to use the app, but they are enabled by default. This can be changed on the Settings page.
Purchase Management: The app uses RevenueCat to manage in-app purchases. The service assigns users an anonymous ID for identifying in-app purchases and restoring previous purchases. It is not associated with any personal information. It is required for the app to function, and can’t be disabled.
Web Services: Web traffic to the app, such as this document, is managed by Cloudflare for performance and scalability reasons. The Cloudflare privacy policy therefore also applies and should be read in addition to this document. No personal information is included with any requests.
Changes to the Policy
- 30 March 2024: Reformatted.
- 24 February 2023: First published.